As of August 2023, AMD’s ROCm GPU compute software stack is available for Linux or Windows. It’s best to check the latest docs for information:

See also (2024 April):


These are the latest officially supported cards:

Here’s also an interesting 2024-06 writeup of supporting mixed architecture ROCm overrides:

RDNA3 (eg 7900 XT, XTX)

As of ROCm 5.7, Radeon RX 7900 XTX, XT, and PRO W7900 are officially supported and many old hacks are no longer necessary:


Performance 65W 7940HS w/ 64GB of DDR5-5600 (83GB/s theoretical memory bandwidth):

  • On small (7B) models that fit within the UMA VRAM, ROCm performance is very similar to my M2 MBA’s Metal performance. Inference is barely faster than CLBlast/CPU though (~10% faster).
  • On a big (70B) model that doesn’t fit into allocated VRAM, the ROCm inferences slower than CPU w/ -ngl 0 (CLBlast crashes), and CPU perf is about as expected - about 1.3 t/s inferencing a Q4_K_M. Besides being slower, the ROCm version also caused amdgpu exceptions that killed Wayland 2/3 times (I’m running Linux 6.5.4, ROCm 5.6.1, mesa 23.1.8).

Note: BIOS allows me to set up to 8GB for VRAM in BIOS (UMA_SPECIFIED GART), ROCm does not support GTT (about 35GB/64GB if it did support it, which is not enough for a 70B Q4_0, not that you’d want to at those speeds).

Vulkan drivers can use GTT memory dynamically, but w/ MLC LLM, Vulkan version is 35% slower than CPU-only llama.cpp. Also, the max GART+GTT is still too small for 70B models.

Radeon VII

We have some previous known good memory timings for an old Radeon VII card:

sudo sh -c 'echo manual > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level'
sudo sh -c 'echo 8 > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/pp_dpm_sclk'
sudo amdmemorytweak --gpu 0 --ref 7500 --rtp 6 --rrds 3 --faw 12 --ras 19 --rc 30 --rcdrd 11 --rp 11

RDNA3 (navi3) on Linux

Arch Linux Setup

Arch Linux setup is fairly straightforward (can be easier than the official install!) but is community supported by rocm-arch. If you’re running an Arch system already, this should be fine, but if you’re running a system dedicated to ML, then you should prefer Ubuntu.

Install ROCm:

# all the amd gpu compute stuff
yay -S rocm-hip-sdk rocm-ml-sdk rocm-opencl-sdk
# third party monitoring
yay -S amdgpu_top radeontop

Install conda (mamba)

yay -S mambaforge
/opt/mambaforge/bin/mamba init fish

Create Environment

mamba create -n llm
mamba activate llm

Ubuntu LTS Setup

Ubuntu is the most well documented of the officially supported distros:

HWE Kernel

sudo apt install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-22.04


# Make the directory if it doesn't exist yet.
# This location is recommended by the distribution maintainers.
sudo mkdir --parents --mode=0755 /etc/apt/keyrings
# Download the key, convert the signing-key to a full
# keyring required by apt and store in the keyring directory
wget -O - | \
    gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/keyrings/rocm.gpg > /dev/null
# Add the AMDGPU repository for the driver.
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/rocm.gpg] jammy main" \
    | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/amdgpu.list
sudo apt update
# Add the ROCm repository.
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/rocm.gpg] jammy main" \
    | sudo tee --append /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rocm.list
echo -e 'Package: *\nPin: release\nPin-Priority: 600' \
    | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/rocm-pin-600


sudo apt install "linux-headers-$(uname -r)" "linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r)"
# See prerequisites. Adding current user to Video and Render groups
sudo usermod -a -G render,video $LOGNAME
sudo apt update
# Driver
sudo apt install --install-recommends amdgpu-dkms
# Everything else
sudo apt install --install-recommends rocm


You may run into some compile errors. You will need libstdc++-12-dev in Ubuntu:

/opt/rocm-6.0.0/lib/llvm/lib/clang/17.0.0/include/cuda_wrappers/cmath:27:15: fatal error: 'cmath' file not found
#include_next <cmath>
sudo apt install libstdc++-12-dev


llama.cpp has ROCm support built-in now (2023-08):

git clone
cd llama.cpp
  • You can use LLAMA_HIP_UMA=1 for unified memory for APUs
  • uname -a , dkms status and apt list | grep rocm | grep '\[installed\]' to get version numbers of kernel and libs
  • OpenCL via CLBlast is a universal/easy option, but gains and should still give decent gains over CPU inference
  • As of 2023-01, Vulkan support is merged. See below for testing/comparison

Let’s run some testing with TheBloke/Llama-2-7B-GGUF (Q4_0).

7900 XT + 7900 XTX used together segfaulted on b7e7982 (1787) (tested 2024-01-08) but ran with 6db2b41a (1988) (tested 2024-01-28)

$ ./llama-bench -m /data/models/gguf/llama-2-7b.Q4_0.gguf -p 3968
ggml_init_cublas: GGML_CUDA_FORCE_MMQ:   no
ggml_init_cublas: CUDA_USE_TENSOR_CORES: yes
ggml_init_cublas: found 2 ROCm devices:
  Device 0: Radeon RX 7900 XT, compute capability 11.0, VMM: no
  Device 1: Radeon RX 7900 XTX, compute capability 11.0, VMM: no
| model                          |       size |     params | backend    | ngl | test       |              t/s |
| ------------------------------ | ---------: | ---------: | ---------- | --: | ---------- | ---------------: |
| llama 7B Q4_0                  |   3.56 GiB |     6.74 B | ROCm       |  99 | pp 3968    |   2408.34 ± 1.55 |
| llama 7B Q4_0                  |   3.56 GiB |     6.74 B | ROCm       |  99 | tg 128     |    107.15 ± 0.04 |
build: 6db2b41a (1988)
  • last tested: 2024-01-28

7900 XT:

$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 ./llama-bench -m /data/models/gguf/llama-2-7b.Q4_0.gguf -p 3968
ggml_init_cublas: GGML_CUDA_FORCE_MMQ:   no
ggml_init_cublas: CUDA_USE_TENSOR_CORES: yes
ggml_init_cublas: found 1 ROCm devices:
  Device 0: Radeon RX 7900 XT, compute capability 11.0, VMM: no
| model                          |       size |     params | backend    | ngl | test       |              t/s |
| ------------------------------ | ---------: | ---------: | ---------- | --: | ---------- | ---------------: |
| llama 7B Q4_0                  |   3.56 GiB |     6.74 B | ROCm       |  99 | pp 3968    |   2366.44 ± 4.39 |
| llama 7B Q4_0                  |   3.56 GiB |     6.74 B | ROCm       |  99 | tg 128     |     97.17 ± 0.02 |
build: 6db2b41a (1988)
  • last tested: 2024-01-28

7900 XTX:

$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 ./llama-bench -m /data/models/gguf/llama-2-7b.Q4_0.gguf -p 3968
ggml_init_cublas: GGML_CUDA_FORCE_MMQ:   no
ggml_init_cublas: CUDA_USE_TENSOR_CORES: yes
ggml_init_cublas: found 1 ROCm devices:
  Device 0: Radeon RX 7900 XTX, compute capability 11.0, VMM: no
| model                          |       size |     params | backend    | ngl | test       |              t/s |
| ------------------------------ | ---------: | ---------: | ---------- | --: | ---------- | ---------------: |
| llama 7B Q4_0                  |   3.56 GiB |     6.74 B | ROCm       |  99 | pp 3968    |   2575.87 ± 9.76 |
| llama 7B Q4_0                  |   3.56 GiB |     6.74 B | ROCm       |  99 | tg 128     |    119.09 ± 0.06 |
build: 6db2b41a (1988)

While the Radeon 7900 XTX has theoretically competitive memory bandwidth and compute, in practice, with ROCm 6.0, hipBLAS still falls behind cuBLAS in llama.cpp:

7900 XT7900 XTXRTX 3090RTX 4090
Memory GB20242424
Memory BW GB/s800960936.21008
Memory BW %-16.7%0%-2.5%+5.0%
FP32 TFLOPS51.4861.4235.5882.58
FP16 TFLOPS103.0122.871/142*165.2/330.3*
FP16 TFLOPS %-16.1%0%+15.6%*+169.0%*
Prompt tok/s2366257632515415
Prompt %-8.2%0%+26.2%+110.2%
Inference tok/s97.2119.1134.5158.4
Inference %-18.4%0%+12.9%+33.0%
  • Tested 2024-01-28 with llama.cpp 6db2b41a (1988) and latest ROCm (dkms amdgpu/6.3.6-1697589.22.04, rocm ) and CUDA (dkms nvidia/545.29.06, 6.7.0-arch3-1, nvcc cuda_12.3.r12.3/compiler.33492891_0 ) on similar platforms (5800X3D for Radeons, 5950X for RTXs)
  • RTX cards have much better FP16/BF16 Tensor FLOPS performance that the inferencing engines are taking advantage of. FP16 FLOPS (32-bit/16-bit accumulation numbers) sourced from Nvidia docs (3090, 4090_)

Vulkan and CLBlast

### CPU
make clean && make LLAMA_CLBLAST=1
./llama-bench -m /data/models/gguf/llama-2-7b.Q4_0.gguf -p 3968
### CLBlast
# actually we don't have to build CLBlast...
# sudo apt install cmake pkg-config opencl-headers ocl-icd-opencl-dev
sudo apt install libclblast-dev pkg-config
make clean && make LLAMA_CLBLAST=1
GGML_OPENCL_DEVICE=1 ./llama-bench -m /data/models/gguf/llama-2-7b.Q4_0.gguf -p 3968
### Vulkan
# You could install amdvlk but there's no PPA?
sudo apt install libvulkan-dev vulkan-tools
make clean && make LLAMA_VULKAN=1
### ROCm
# See above for requirements
make clean && make LLAMA_HIPBLAS=1
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 ./llama-bench -m /data/models/gguf/llama-2-7b.Q4_0.gguf -p 3968
5800X3D CPU7900 XTX CLBlast7900 XTX Vulkan7900 XTX ROCm
Prompt tok/s24.52197582550
Inference tok/s10.735.452.3119.0
  • Tested 2024-01-29 with llama.cpp d2f650cb (1999) and latest on a 5800X3D w/ DDR4-3600 system with CLBlast libclblast-dev 1.5.2-2, Vulkan mesa-vulkan-drivers 23.0.4-0ubuntu1~22.04.1, and ROCm (dkms amdgpu/6.3.6-1697589.22.04, rocm

Radeon VII

The Radeon VII was a Vega 20 XT (GCN 5.1) card that was released in February 2019 at $700. It has 16GB of HDM2 memory with a 1024GB/s of memory bandwidth and 26.88 TFLOPS of FP16. Honestly, while the prefill probably doesn’t have much more that could be squeezed from it, I would expect with optimization, you would be able to double inference performance (if you could use all its memory bandwidth).

Radeon Vega VII

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 ./llama-bench -m llama2-7b-q4_0.gguf -p 3968
ggml_init_cublas: GGML_CUDA_FORCE_MMQ:   no
ggml_init_cublas: CUDA_USE_TENSOR_CORES: yes
​ggml_init_cublas: found 1 ROCm devices:
  Device 0: AMD Radeon VII, compute capability 9.0, VMM: no
| model                          |       size |     params | backend    | ngl | test       |              t/s |
| ------------------------------ | ---------: | ---------: | ---------- | --: | ---------- | ---------------: |
| llama 7B Q4_0                  |   3.56 GiB |     6.74 B | ROCm       |  99 | pp 3968    |    432.28 ± 0.93 |
| llama 7B Q4_0                  |   3.56 GiB |     6.74 B | ROCm       |  99 | tg 128     |     54.42 ± 0.55 |
build: fea4fd4b (2023)
  • Tested 2024-02-02 on a Ryzen 5 2400G system with rocm-core 5.7.1-1

System Info

> inxi
CPU: quad core AMD Ryzen 5 2400G with Radeon Vega Graphics (-MT MCP-)
speed/min/max: 1827/1600/3600 MHz Kernel: 6.7.2-arch1-1 x86_64


We’ll use main on TheBloke/Llama-2-7B-GPTQ for testing (GS128 No Act Order).

Install is straightforward:

mamba create -n exllamav2 python=3.11
mamba activate exllamav2
# PyTorch:
pip3 install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
# Regular install
git clone
cd exllamav2
pip install -r requirements.txt

7900 XT

$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m /data/models/gptq/TheBloke_Llama-2-7B-GPTQ -ps
 ** Length  4096 tokens:   3457.0153 t/s
$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -m /data/models/gptq/TheBloke_Llama-2-7B-GPTQ -s
 ** Position  3968 + 128 tokens:   57.9066 t/s

7900 XTX

$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python -m /data/models/gptq/TheBloke_Llama-2-7B-GPTQ -ps
 ** Length  4096 tokens:   3927.6424 t/s
$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python -m /data/models/gptq/TheBloke_Llama-2-7B-GPTQ -s
 ** Position  3968 + 128 tokens:   61.2481 t/s

Running with both GPUs work, although it defaults to loading everything onto one. If you force the VRAM, interestingly, you can get batch=1 inference to perform slightly better:

$ python -m /data/models/gptq/TheBloke_Llama-2-7B-GPTQ -ps -gs 4,4
 ** Length  4096 tokens:   3458.9969 t/s
$ python -m /data/models/gptq/TheBloke_Llama-2-7B-GPTQ -s -gs 4,4
 ** Position  3968 + 128 tokens:   65.2594 t/s 

The ROCm kernel is very un-optimized vs the CUDA version, but you can see while inference performance is much lower than llama.cpp, the prompt processing remains ExLlama’s strength (this is especially important for long context scenarios like long, multi-turn conversations or RAG).

7900 XT7900 XTXRTX 3090RTX 4090
Memory GB20242424
Memory BW GB/s800960936.21008
FP32 TFLOPS51.4861.4235.5882.58
FP16 TFLOPS103.0122.835.5882.58
Prompt tok/s34573928586313955
Prompt %-12.0%0%+49.3%+255.3%
Inference tok/s57.961.2116.5137.6
Inference %-5.4%0%+90.4%+124.8%
  • Tested 2024-01-08 with ExLlamaV2 3b0f523 and latest ROCm (dkms amdgpu/6.3.6-1697589.22.04, rocm ) and CUDA (dkms nvidia/545.29.06, 6.6.7-arch1-1, nvcc cuda_12.3.r12.3/compiler.33492891_0 ) on similar platforms (5800X3D for Radeons, 5950X for RTXs)



mamba create -n mlc python=3.11
mamba install -c conda-forge libgcc-ng
python3 -m pip install --pre -U -f mlc-chat-nightly-rocm57 mlc-ai-nightly-rocm57
export PATH=/opt/rocm/llvm/bin:$PATH
# Missing dependencies
pip install tqdm
pip install safetensors
pip install --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

Make a model:

mkdir dist
mlc_chat convert_weight  /data/models/hf/augmxnt_shisa-7b-v1 -o dist/shisa-7b-v1-q4f16_1 --quantization q4f16_1
mlc_chat gen_config /data/models/hf/augmxnt_shisa-7b-v1 --conv-template llama-2 -o dist/shisa-7b-v1-q4f16_1 --quantization q4f16_1
$ mlc_chat compile dist/shisa-7b-v1-q4f16_1/mlc-chat-config.json --device rocm -o dist/libs/
[2024-01-08 23:19:58] INFO Found model configuration: dist/shisa-7b-v1-q4f16_1/mlc-chat-config.json
[2024-01-08 23:19:58] INFO Found device: rocm:0
[2024-01-08 23:19:58] INFO Found device: rocm:1
[2024-01-08 23:19:58] INFO Found configuration of target device "rocm:0": {"thread_warp_size": 32, "mtriple": "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa-hcc", "max_threads_per_block": 1024, "max_num_threads": 256, "kind": "rocm", "max_shared_memory_per_block": 65536, "tag": "", "mcpu": "gfx1100", "keys": ["rocm", "gpu"]}
[2024-01-08 23:19:58] INFO Found host LLVM triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
[2024-01-08 23:19:58] INFO Found host LLVM CPU: znver3
[2024-01-08 23:19:58] INFO Found model type: mistral. Use `--model-type` to override.
Compiling with arguments:
  --config          MistralConfig(hidden_size=4096, intermediate_size=14336, num_attention_heads=32, num_hidden_layers=32, rms_norm_eps=1e-05, vocab_size=120128, position_embedding_base=10000.0, num_key_value_heads=8, head_dim=128, sliding_window_size=4096, prefill_chunk_size=4096, attention_sink_size=4, tensor_parallel_shards=1, kwargs={})
  --quantization    GroupQuantize(name='q4f16_1', kind='group-quant', group_size=32, quantize_dtype='int4', storage_dtype='uint32', model_dtype='float16', num_elem_per_storage=8, num_storage_per_group=4, max_int_value=7)
  --model-type      mistral
  --target          {"thread_warp_size": 32, "host": {"mtriple": "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "tag": "", "kind": "llvm", "mcpu": "znver3", "keys": ["cpu"]}, "mtriple": "amdgcn-amd-amdhsa-hcc", "max_threads_per_block": 1024, "max_num_threads": 256, "kind": "rocm", "max_shared_memory_per_block": 65536, "tag": "", "mcpu": "gfx1100", "keys": ["rocm", "gpu"]}
  --opt             flashinfer=0;cublas_gemm=0;cudagraph=0
  --system-lib-prefix ""
  --output          dist/libs/
  --overrides       context_window_size=None;sliding_window_size=None;prefill_chunk_size=None;attention_sink_size=None;max_batch_size=None;tensor_parallel_shards=None
[2024-01-08 23:19:58] INFO Creating model from: MistralConfig(hidden_size=4096, intermediate_size=14336, num_attention_heads=32, num_hidden_layers=32, rms_norm_eps=1e-05, vocab_size=120128, position_embedding_base=10000.0, num_key_value_heads=8, head_dim=128, sliding_window_size=4096, prefill_chunk_size=4096, attention_sink_size=4, tensor_parallel_shards=1, kwargs={})
[2024-01-08 23:19:58] INFO Exporting the model to TVM Unity compiler
[2024-01-08 23:19:59] INFO Running optimizations using TVM Unity
[2024-01-08 23:19:59] INFO Registering metadata: {'model_type': 'mistral', 'quantization': 'q4f16_1', 'context_window_size': -1, 'sliding_window_size': 4096, 'attention_sink_size': 4, 'prefill_chunk_size': 4096, 'tensor_parallel_shards': 1, 'kv_cache_bytes': 536870912}
[2024-01-08 23:19:59] INFO Running TVM Relax graph-level optimizations
[2024-01-08 23:20:00] INFO Lowering to TVM TIR kernels
[2024-01-08 23:20:01] INFO Running TVM TIR-level optimizations
[2024-01-08 23:20:03] INFO Running TVM Dlight low-level optimizations
[2024-01-08 23:20:04] INFO Lowering to VM bytecode
Segmentation fault (core dumped)


For current status, see:

I was able to successfully build and install this on 2024-02-15:

mamba create -n bnb python=3.11 -y
mamba activate bnb

pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
python -c "import torch; print('PyTorch version:', torch.__version__); print('CUDA available:', torch.cuda.is_available()); print('CUDA device count:', torch.cuda.device_count()); print('Current CUDA device:', torch.cuda.current_device() if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'None')"

git clone
cd bitsandbytes-rocm-5.6
git fetch
git branch -a
git checkout rocm

# you can use rocminfo to get your ROCM_TARGET
# you might need to modify the Makefile to set ROCM_HOME:=/opt/rocm
make hip ROCM_TARGET=gfx1100
pip install .
python -m bitsandbytes
python -c "import bitsandbytes; print(bitsandbytes.__version__)"

# You probably want these if you're testing inference
pip install transformers
pip install accelerate

xformers (NOT WORKING)

2024-02-17: The ROCM/xformers fork defaults to a main branch, which compiles, but is basically upstream. All the work is done on branches (develop seems to be the main one), which sadly … doesn’t compile due to mismatching header files from Composable Kernels.

Note: vLLM has it’s own 0.0.23 with a patch to install, but still dies w/ RDNA3

# xformers
git clone
cd xformers
git fetch
git branch -a
git checkout develop
git submodule update --init --recursive
python install
python -c 'import xformers; print(xformers.__version__)'


This seems to work (2.1.0)

git clone
cd triton/python
pip install ninja cmake
pip install -e .
python -c "import triton; print(triton.__version__)"

Flash Attention 2 (SORT OF WORKING)

This seems to work for inference (it only supports batched forward pass, not backward pass) - see the GH issue for more info. You won’t be able to train with this.

Also, this is a fork of 2.0.4 so it does not support Mistral’s Sliding Window Attention



git clone
git fetch
git branch -a
git checkout howiejay/navi_support
python install

unsloth (NOT WORKING)

Unsloth depends on:

  • PyTorch
  • Triton
  • xformers or flash attention
  • bitsandbytes

In theory we have everything we need, and it will startup, however, even after you comment out the libcuda_dirs() calls it will die:

pip install "unsloth[conda] @ git+"

# You'll need to manually edit site-packages/unsloth/
# comment out
# libcuda_dirs()

TensorFlow (SHOULD WORK?)

Untested, but recent reports are that it should work:

mamba create -n tf python=3.10
sudo apt install rocm-libs rccl
pip install protobuf=3.19.0
pip install tensorflow-rocm
python3 -c 'import tensorflow' 2> /dev/null && echo 'Success' || echo 'Failure'
# get device list
# try hip devices
024-01-08 08:53:52.438031: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Ignoring visible gpu device (device: 0, name: Radeon RX 7900 XTX, pci bus id: 0000:0c:00.0) with AMDGPU version : gfx1100. The supported AMDGPU versions are gfx1030, gfx900, gfx906, gfx908, gfx90a, gfx940, gfx941, gfx942.

Apparently you need to build your own TF for gfx1100 support…


vLLM supports ROCm starting w/ v0.2.4, but only on MI200 cards…

2024-02-17: failed to get it working on RDNA3, dumps out matrix errors

RDNA3 support should be merged in: Now let’s continue:

#needs it's own xformers
pip install xformers==0.0.23 --no-deps
pip install -r requirements-rocm.txt
export GPU_ARCHS=gfx1100
python install # This may take 5-10 minutes. Currently, `pip install .`` does not work for ROCm installation
# 2024-02-10
git clone vllm.navi3x_rocm6
cd vllm.navi3x_rocm6
export GPU_ARCHS=gfx1100
git fetch
git checkout navi3x_rocm6
pip install -e .
# See:
# Compile finishes and installs but when we try to run...
(vllm) lhl@rocm:~/vllm$ python -m vllm.entrypoints.api_server
/home/lhl/miniforge3/envs/vllm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/transformers/utils/ UserWarning: torch.utils._pytree._register_pytree_node is deprecated. Please use torch.utils._pytree.register_pytree_node instead.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 189, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 112, in _get_module_details
  File "/home/lhl/miniforge3/envs/vllm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/vllm-0.2.7+rocm603-py3.11-linux-x86_64.egg/vllm/", line 3, in <module>
    from vllm.engine.arg_utils import AsyncEngineArgs, EngineArgs
  File "/home/lhl/miniforge3/envs/vllm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/vllm-0.2.7+rocm603-py3.11-linux-x86_64.egg/vllm/engine/", line 6, in <module>
    from vllm.config import (CacheConfig, ModelConfig, ParallelConfig,
  File "/home/lhl/miniforge3/envs/vllm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/vllm-0.2.7+rocm603-py3.11-linux-x86_64.egg/vllm/", line 9, in <module>
    from vllm.utils import get_cpu_memory, is_hip
  File "/home/lhl/miniforge3/envs/vllm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/vllm-0.2.7+rocm603-py3.11-linux-x86_64.egg/vllm/", line 11, in <module>
    from vllm._C import cuda_utils
ImportError: /home/lhl/miniforge3/envs/vllm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/vllm-0.2.7+rocm603-py3.11-linux-x86_64.egg/vllm/ undefined symbol: _Z9gptq_gemmN2at6TensorES0_S0_S0_S0_b



For an easy time, go to llama.cpp’s release page and download a bin-win-clblast version.

In the Windows terminal, run it with -ngl 99 to load all the layers into memory.

.\main.exe -m model.bin -ngl 99

On a Radeon 7900XT, you should get about double the performance of CPU-only execution.

Compile for ROCm

This was last update 2023-09-03 so things might change, but here’s how I was able to get things working in Windows.



First, launch “x64 Native Tools Command Prompt” from the Windows Menu (you can hit the Windows key and just start typing x64 and it should pop up).

# You should probably change to a folder you want first for grabbing the source
git clone
cd llama.cpp
# Make a build folder
mkdir build
cd build
# Make sure the HIP stuff gets picked up
cmake.exe .. -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLAMA_HIPBLAS=on  -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="clang.exe" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="clang++.exe" -DAMDGPU_TARGETS="gfx1100" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\5.5"
# This should build binaries in a bin/ folder
cmake.exe --build .

That’s it, now you have compiled executables in build/bin.

Start a new terminal to run llama.CPP

# You can do this in the GUI search for "environment variable" as well
setx /M PATH "C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\5.5\bin;%PATH%"
# Or for session
set PATH="C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\5.5\bin;%PATH%"

If you set just the global you may need to start a new shell before running this in the llama.cpp checkout. You can double check it’S working by outputing the path echo %PATH% or just running hipInfo or another exe in the ROCm bin folder.

NOTE: If your PATH is wonky for some reason you may get missing .dll errors. You can either fix that, or if all else fails, copy the missing files from "C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\5.5\bin into the build/bin folder since life is too short.


Here’s my llama-bench results running a llama2-7b q4_0 and q4_K_M:

C:\Users\lhl\Desktop\llama.cpp\build\bin>llama-bench.exe -m ..\..\meta-llama-2-7b-q4_0.gguf -p 3968 -n 128 -ngl 99
ggml_init_cublas: found 1 ROCm devices:
  Device 0: AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT, compute capability 11.0
| model                      	|   	size | 	params | backend	| ngl | test   	|          	t/s |
| ------------------------------ | ---------: | ---------: | ---------- | --: | ---------- | ---------------: |
| LLaMA v2 7B mostly Q4_0    	|   3.56 GiB | 	6.74 B | ROCm   	|  99 | pp 3968	|	882.92 ± 1.10 |
| LLaMA v2 7B mostly Q4_0    	|   3.56 GiB | 	6.74 B | ROCm   	|  99 | tg 128 	| 	94.55 ± 0.07 |
build: 69fdbb9 (1148)
C:\Users\lhl\Desktop\llama.cpp\build\bin>llama-bench.exe -m ..\..\meta-llama-2-7b-q4_K_M.gguf -p 3968 -n 128 -ngl 99
ggml_init_cublas: found 1 ROCm devices:
  Device 0: AMD Radeon RX 7900 XT, compute capability 11.0
| model                      	|   	size | 	params | backend	| ngl | test   	|          	t/s |
| ------------------------------ | ---------: | ---------: | ---------- | --: | ---------- | ---------------: |
| LLaMA v2 7B mostly Q4_K - Medium |   3.80 GiB | 	6.74 B | ROCm   	|  99 | pp 3968	|	858.74 ± 1.32 |
| LLaMA v2 7B mostly Q4_K - Medium |   3.80 GiB | 	6.74 B | ROCm   	|  99 | tg 128 	| 	78.78 ± 0.04 |
build: 69fdbb9 (1148)

Unsupported Architectures

On Windows, it may not be possible to apply an HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION override. In that case, these instructions for compiling custom kernels may help:


Here’s a ROCm fork of DeepSpeed (2023-09):

2023-07 Casey Primozic did some testing/benchmarking of the 7900 XTX (TensorFlow, TinyGrad):