For my main AMD GPU docs, see: AMD GPUs
vLLM 2024-12-7
paru -S docker docker-compose docker-buildx
git clone
cd vllm
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 sudo docker build --build-arg BUILD_FA="0" -f Dockerfile.rocm -t vllm-rocm .
You can check on the model here:
sudo docker images
Run the docker instance (mount your HF and models folder)
sudo docker run -it \
--network=host \
--group-add=video \
--ipc=host \
--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE \
--security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
--device /dev/kfd \
--device /dev/dri \
-v /models:/app/model \
-v /home/lhl/.cache/huggingface:/root/.cache/huggingface \ \
Note: this docker image does not support hipBLASLt for gfx1100
and falls back to hipBLAS
Testing on an AMD W7900 w/ Docker build: 0.6.4.post2.dev258+gf13cf9ad
Successful requests: 32
Benchmark duration (s): 347.96
Total input tokens: 6449
Total generated tokens: 16216
Request throughput (req/s): 0.09
Output token throughput (tok/s): 46.60
Total Token throughput (tok/s): 65.14
---------------Time to First Token----------------
Mean TTFT (ms): 160.39
Median TTFT (ms): 148.70
P99 TTFT (ms): 303.35
-----Time per Output Token (excl. 1st token)------
Mean TPOT (ms): 19.31
Median TPOT (ms): 18.47
P99 TPOT (ms): 27.35
---------------Inter-token Latency----------------
Mean ITL (ms): 21.18
Median ITL (ms): 19.80
P99 ITL (ms): 38.79
Metric | vLLM FP16 | vLLM INT8 | vLLM Q5_K_M | llama.cpp Q5_K_M | ExLlamaV2 5.0bpw | MLC q4f16_1 | llama.cpp Q4_K_M |
Weights (GB) | 14.99 | 8.49 | 5.33 | 5.33 | 5.5 | 4.21 | 4.30 |
Benchmark duration (s) | 311.26 | 367.50 | 125.00 | 249.14 | 347.96 | 145.30 | 221.96 |
Total input tokens | 6449 | 6449 | 6449 | 6449 | 6449 | 6449 | 6449 |
Total generated tokens | 6544 | 6552 | 6183 | 16365 | 16216 | 13484 | 15215 |
Request throughput (req/s) | 0.10 | 0.09 | 0.26 | 0.13 | 0.09 | 0.22 | 0.14 |
Output token throughput (tok/s) | 21.02 | 17.83 | 49.46 | 65.69 | 46.60 | 92.80 | 68.55 |
Total Token throughput (tok/s) | 41.74 | 35.38 | 101.06 | 91.57 | 65.14 | 137.19 | 97.60 |
Mean TTFT (ms) | 159.58 | 232.78 | 327.56 | 114.67 | 160.39 | 301.46 | 110.42 |
Median TTFT (ms) | 111.76 | 162.86 | 128.24 | 85.94 | 148.70 | 176.25 | 74.94 |
P99 TTFT (ms) | 358.99 | 477.17 | 2911.16 | 362.63 | 303.35 | 821.72 | 353.58 |
Mean TPOT (ms) | 48.34 | 55.95 | 18.97 | 14.81 | 19.31 | 10.05 | 14.14 |
Median TPOT (ms) | 46.94 | 55.21 | 18.56 | 14.77 | 18.47 | 9.62 | 14.02 |
P99 TPOT (ms) | 78.78 | 73.44 | 28.75 | 15.88 | 27.35 | 15.46 | 15.27 |
Mean ITL (ms) | 46.99 | 55.20 | 18.60 | 15.03 | 21.18 | 10.10 | 14.38 |
Median ITL (ms) | 46.99 | 55.20 | 18.63 | 14.96 | 19.80 | 9.91 | 14.43 |
P99 ITL (ms) | 48.35 | 56.56 | 19.43 | 16.47 | 38.79 | 12.68 | 15.75 |
- vLLM FP8 does not run on RDNA3
- vLLM bitsandbytes quantization does not run w/ ROCm (multifactor-backend bnb installed)
- llama.cpp ROCm backend b4276 (HEAD)
- ExLlamaV2 0.2.6 (HEAD)
- MLC nightly 0.18.dev249
System Details
More system info:
PyTorch version: 2.6.0.dev20241113+rocm6.2
ROCM used to build PyTorch: 6.2.41133-dd7f95766
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (x86_64)
GCC version: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.2) 9.4.0
Clang version: 18.0.0git ( roc-6.2.0 24292 26466ce804ac523b398608f17388eb6d605a3f09)
CMake version: version 3.26.4
Libc version: glibc-2.31
Python version: 3.9.19 (main, May 6 2024, 19:43:03) [GCC 11.2.0] (64-bit runtime)
Python platform: Linux-6.12.1-2-cachyos-x86_64-with-glibc2.31
GPU models and configuration: AMD Radeon PRO W7900 (gfx1100)
HIP runtime version: 6.2.41133
MIOpen runtime version: 3.2.0
Is XNNPACK available: True
Model name: AMD EPYC 9274F 24-Core CPU MHz: 4299.904
CPU max MHz: 4303.1250
CPU min MHz: 1500.0000
Versions of relevant libraries:
[pip3] mypy==1.8.0
[pip3] mypy-extensions==1.0.0
[pip3] numpy==1.26.4
[pip3] optree==0.9.1
[pip3] pynvml==11.5.3
[pip3] pytorch-triton-rocm==3.1.0+cf34004b8a
[pip3] pyzmq==26.2.0
[pip3] torch==2.6.0.dev20241113+rocm6.2
[pip3] torchvision==0.20.0.dev20241113+rocm6.2
[pip3] transformers==4.47.0
[pip3] triton==3.1.0
ROCM Version: 6.2.41133-dd7f95766
vLLM Version: 0.6.4.post2.dev258+gf13cf9ad
Run server:
vllm serve meta-llama/Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct --num-scheduler-step 1 --served_model_name llama3.1-8b
- 15GB of weights
INFO 12-07 17:39:09] Memory profiling results: duration=39.11 seconds, total_gpu_memory=44.98GiB, initial_memory_usage=15.23GiB, peak_torch_memory=16.20GiB, memory_usage_post_profile=15.46GiB, non_torch_memory=0.44GiB, kv_cache_size=23.84GiB, gpu_memory_utilization=0.90.
INFO 12-07 17:38:16] Disabled the custom all-reduce kernel because it is not supported on AMD GPUs.
- no speed difference w/
vs not
Run benchmark:
python --backend openai-chat --base-url 'http://localhost:8000' --host localhost --port 8080 --endpoint='/v1/chat/completions' --model "llama3.1-8b" --dataset-name sharegpt --dataset-path /models/dataset/ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json --num-prompts 32 --max-concurrency 1 --tokenizer meta-llama/Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct`
============ Serving Benchmark Result ============
Successful requests: 32
Benchmark duration (s): 311.26
Total input tokens: 6449
Total generated tokens: 6544
Request throughput (req/s): 0.10
Output token throughput (tok/s): 21.02
Total Token throughput (tok/s): 41.74
---------------Time to First Token----------------
Mean TTFT (ms): 159.58
Median TTFT (ms): 111.76
P99 TTFT (ms): 358.99
-----Time per Output Token (excl. 1st token)------
Mean TPOT (ms): 48.34
Median TPOT (ms): 46.94
P99 TPOT (ms): 78.78
---------------Inter-token Latency----------------
Mean ITL (ms): 46.99
Median ITL (ms): 46.99
P99 ITL (ms): 48.35
Dynamic doesn’t work, Wah wah…
ERROR 12-07 14:21:53] RuntimeError: Error in model execution (input dumped to /tmp/err_execute_model_input_20241207-142153.pkl): torch._scaled_mm is only supported on CUDA devices with compute capability >= 9.0 or 8.9, or ROCm MI300+
But let’s try some baked ones…
root@epyc:/vllm-workspace# vllm serve neuralmagic/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-FP8 --num-scheduler-step 1 --served_model_name llama3.1-8b
RuntimeError: Error in model execution (input dumped to /tmp/err_execute_model_input_20241207-154119.pkl): torch._scaled_mm is only supported on CUDA devices with compute capability >= 9.0 or 8.9, or ROCm MI300+
INT8 (W8A8)
Using: Took: 55m to convert Llama 3.1 8B on W7900
vllm serve Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-INT8 --num-scheduler-step 1 --served_model_name llama3.1-8b
- 8.5GB weights
python --backend openai-chat --base-url 'http://localhost:8000' --host localhost --port 8080 --endpoint='/v1/chat/completions' --model "llama3.1-8b" --dataset-name sharegpt --dataset-path /models/dataset/ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json --num-prompts 32 --max-concurrency 1 --tokenizer meta-llama/Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct
============ Serving Benchmark Result ============
Successful requests: 32
Benchmark duration (s): 367.50
Total input tokens: 6449
Total generated tokens: 6552
Request throughput (req/s): 0.09
Output token throughput (tok/s): 17.83
Total Token throughput (tok/s): 35.38
---------------Time to First Token----------------
Mean TTFT (ms): 232.78
Median TTFT (ms): 162.86
P99 TTFT (ms): 477.17
-----Time per Output Token (excl. 1st token)------
Mean TPOT (ms): 55.95
Median TPOT (ms): 55.21
P99 TPOT (ms): 73.44
---------------Inter-token Latency----------------
Mean ITL (ms): 55.20
Median ITL (ms): 55.20
P99 ITL (ms): 56.56
# triton.ops needs 3.1.0 not 3.0.0
pip install -U triton
pip install --force-reinstall '' --no-deps
vllm serve meta-llama/Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct --num-scheduler-step 1 --served_model_name llama3.1-8b -q bitsandbytes --load_format bitsandbytes
ERROR 12-07 15:51:19] ValueError: bitsandbytes quantization is currently not supported in rocm.
Run Server
vllm serve /app/model/gguf/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-Q5_K_M.gguf --num-scheduler-step 1 --served_model_name llama3.1-8b
- 5GB of weights
Run benchmark:
python --backend openai-chat --base-url 'http://localhost:8000' --host localhost --port 8080 --endpoint='/v1/chat/completions' --model "llama3.1-8b" --dataset-name sharegpt --dataset-path /models/dataset/ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json --num-prompts 32 --max-concurrency 1 --tokenizer meta-llama/Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct`
============ Serving Benchmark Result ============
Successful requests: 32
Benchmark duration (s): 125.00
Total input tokens: 6449
Total generated tokens: 6183
Request throughput (req/s): 0.26
Output token throughput (tok/s): 49.46
Total Token throughput (tok/s): 101.06
---------------Time to First Token----------------
Mean TTFT (ms): 327.56
Median TTFT (ms): 128.24
P99 TTFT (ms): 2911.16
-----Time per Output Token (excl. 1st token)------
Mean TPOT (ms): 18.97
Median TPOT (ms): 18.56
P99 TPOT (ms): 28.75
---------------Inter-token Latency----------------
Mean ITL (ms): 18.60
Median ITL (ms): 18.63
P99 ITL (ms): 19.43
llama.cpp Comparion
~/ai/llama.cpp/build/bin/llama-bench -m /models/gguf/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-Q5_K_M.gguf
ggml_cuda_init: GGML_CUDA_FORCE_MMQ: no
ggml_cuda_init: GGML_CUDA_FORCE_CUBLAS: no
ggml_cuda_init: found 1 ROCm devices:
Device 0: AMD Radeon Pro W7900, compute capability 11.0, VMM: no
| model | size | params | backend | ngl | test | t/s |
| ------------------------------ | ---------: | ---------: | ---------- | --: | ------------: | -------------------: |
| llama 8B Q5_K - Medium | 5.33 GiB | 8.03 B | ROCm | 99 | pp512 | 2494.45 ± 6.23 |
| llama 8B Q5_K - Medium | 5.33 GiB | 8.03 B | ROCm | 99 | tg128 | 72.42 ± 0.13 |
build: f162d45a (4276)
Run server:
~/ai/llama.cpp/build/bin/llama-server -m /models/gguf/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-Q5_K_M.gguf -ngl 99 -a 'llama3.1-8b' -sp
special token output required
Run benchmark:
git clone
cd vllm/benchmarks
pip install numpy datasets Pillow tqdm transformers
python --backend openai-chat --model "llama3.1:8b-instruct-q5_K_M" --dataset-name sharegpt --dataset-path ./ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json --num-prompts 64 --max-concurrency 1 --tokenizer neuralmagic/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-FP8 --port 11434 --endpoint /v1/chat/completions
python --backend openai-chat --model 'llama3.1-8b' --base-url 'http://localhost:8080' --host localhost --port 8080 --endpoint='/v1/chat/completions' --dataset-name sharegpt --dataset-path ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json --num-prompts 64 --max-concurrency 1 --tokenizer meta-llama/Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct
Results (HEAD b4276):
============ Serving Benchmark Result ============
Successful requests: 32
Benchmark duration (s): 249.14
Total input tokens: 6449
Total generated tokens: 16365
Request throughput (req/s): 0.13
Output token throughput (tok/s): 65.69
Total Token throughput (tok/s): 91.57
---------------Time to First Token----------------
Mean TTFT (ms): 114.67
Median TTFT (ms): 85.94
P99 TTFT (ms): 362.63
-----Time per Output Token (excl. 1st token)------
Mean TPOT (ms): 14.81
Median TPOT (ms): 14.77
P99 TPOT (ms): 15.88
---------------Inter-token Latency----------------
Mean ITL (ms): 15.03
Median ITL (ms): 14.96
P99 ITL (ms): 16.47
Qwen2.5 does not have Flash Attention support in vLLM:
WARNING 12-07 18:09:13] Model architecture 'Qwen2ForCausalLM' is partially supported by ROCm: Sliding window attention (SWA) is not yet supported in Triton flash attention. For half-precision SWA support, please use CK flash attention by setting `VLLM_USE_TRITON_FLASH_ATTN=0`
Qwen2.5-Coder-0.5B-Instruct-Q8_0 runs significantly slower vs llama.cpp. vLLM:
============ Serving Benchmark Result ============
Successful requests: 16
Benchmark duration (s): 41.62
Total input tokens: 3211
Total generated tokens: 3074
Request throughput (req/s): 0.38
Output token throughput (tok/s): 73.86
Total Token throughput (tok/s): 151.00
---------------Time to First Token----------------
Mean TTFT (ms): 1796.72
Median TTFT (ms): 1899.05
P99 TTFT (ms): 2002.22
-----Time per Output Token (excl. 1st token)------
Mean TPOT (ms): 4.24
Median TPOT (ms): 4.26
P99 TPOT (ms): 4.49
---------------Inter-token Latency----------------
Mean ITL (ms): 4.19
Median ITL (ms): 4.20
P99 ITL (ms): 4.77
- look at that TTFT, yikes
============ Serving Benchmark Result ============
Successful requests: 16
Benchmark duration (s): 38.04
Total input tokens: 3211
Total generated tokens: 7472
Request throughput (req/s): 0.42
Output token throughput (tok/s): 196.41
Total Token throughput (tok/s): 280.82
---------------Time to First Token----------------
Mean TTFT (ms): 18.65
Median TTFT (ms): 16.21
P99 TTFT (ms): 45.31
-----Time per Output Token (excl. 1st token)------
Mean TPOT (ms): 4.97
Median TPOT (ms): 4.92
P99 TPOT (ms): 5.24
---------------Inter-token Latency----------------
Mean ITL (ms): 5.06
Median ITL (ms): 5.07
P99 ITL (ms): 5.42
Tabby Server:
python --port 8000 --disable-auth 1 --dummy-model-name llama3.1-8b --model-dir /models/exl2 --model-name turboderp_Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-exl2-5.0bpw
for better performance Benchmark:
python --backend openai-chat --base-url 'http://localhost:8000' --host localhost --port 8080 --endpoint='/v1/chat/completions' --model "llama3.1-8b" --dataset-name sharegpt --dataset-path /models/dataset/ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json --num-prompts 32 --max-concurrency 1 --tokenizer meta-llama/Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct
============ Serving Benchmark Result ============
Successful requests: 32
Benchmark duration (s): 347.96
Total input tokens: 6449
Total generated tokens: 16216
Request throughput (req/s): 0.09
Output token throughput (tok/s): 46.60
Total Token throughput (tok/s): 65.14
---------------Time to First Token----------------
Mean TTFT (ms): 160.39
Median TTFT (ms): 148.70
P99 TTFT (ms): 303.35
-----Time per Output Token (excl. 1st token)------
Mean TPOT (ms): 19.31
Median TPOT (ms): 18.47
P99 TPOT (ms): 27.35
---------------Inter-token Latency----------------
Mean ITL (ms): 21.18
Median ITL (ms): 19.80
P99 ITL (ms): 38.79
throws error:
ERROR: RuntimeError: [_efficient_attention_forward] Unsupported mask type on ROCM, for now
- See:
Use nightly PyTorch:
pip install -U --pre torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
Grab AOTriton 0.8 Beta
cd ~/Downloads
tar xvfz aotriton-0.8b-manylinux_2_28_x86_64-rocm6.2-shared.tar.gz
Replace AOTriton so
cd ~/mambaforge/envs/exllamav2/lib/python3.12/site-packages/torch/lib
cp ~/Downloads/aotriton/aotriton/lib/* ./
Try running TabbyAPI:
TORCH_ROCM_AOTRITON_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL=1 python --port 8000 --disable-auth 1 --dummy-model-name llama3.1-8b --model-dir /models/exl2 --model-name turboderp_Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-exl2-5.0bpw
python --backend openai-chat --base-url 'http://localhost:8000' --host localhost --port 8080 --endpoint='/v1/chat/completions' --model "llama3.1-8b" --dataset-name sharegpt --dataset-path /models/dataset/ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json --num-prompts 32 --max-concurrency 1 --tokenizer meta-llama/Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct
See also:
Future Optimization